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CESAN promotes Educational Sanitary Program
01/07/1998 · por Centro Educacional Leonardo da Vinci

The Educational Sanitary Program (PES) team from CESAN (Water company) has visited Centro Educacional Leonardo da Vinci to talk to the students on our city’s water system.

A truck with scale models, panels, posters and video was used by the team to show how the provisioning and treatment of the water distributed by CESAN works.

The students learned the history of the company, that is turning 30 years old, and learned on the environmental risks caused by the pollution, forest devastation and consequent scarcering of the rivers water.

CESAN is responsible for the treatment of water and sewerage for the city of Vitória and 60% of the country part of Espírito Santo State. The remaining areas are supplied by the National Health Foundation.

According to studies, about the year 2005, the Vitória metropolitan area should reach a population corresponding to two million inhabitants. Today it has about a million and three hundred thousand inhabitants and it is already facing shortage of water.

The hydrographic basins of the rivers Santa Maria and Jucu are the main springs of this area and they only possess enough water to supply the city until year 2006.

To avoid the lack of water, the company is cleaning the coastal ecosystems–PRODESPOL Project - estimated in 290 million reais and financed with resources from the State Government and from the World Bank. That program, already in execution, is promoting training in the sense of guiding the population towards the preservation of the environment, and implanting sewerage works and sanitary treatment.

The project coordinator, Luiz Carlos Miranda Corrêa, believes the people is understanding the work. " They have been coming to us a lot ", he said.

The 10th grade students Taís, Lúcia, Lorena and Marcela learned a lot. "We will give more value to the water that we drink ".

After the exhibition, the students went to CESAN to know one of the stations of water treatment.

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