Infantil II has been working on a project entitled “My body… from head to toe”. We started out the project by talking about the various parts of the body and what they can do. We have completed various activities and art projects as well as movement based activities.
However, to date the children’s favorite activity has to be the “I paint you, you paint me” activity held on Friday May 15, 2009. This event was a highlight for both students and teachers. Our class joined Infantil II-A for a fulfilled morning of painting and outdoor showers. First we all got dressed in our swim gear. Even the teachers put on different clothes in preparation.
After that, we went out to the courtyard and sat down while the teachers explained in English and in Portuguese what we would be doing. Then it was time to paint. We were paired up with a friend and given several different pots of paint.
Next, the teacher called out a part of the body and we had to paint that part of our friend’s body while our friend painted us. It was great! We got to paint each others cheeks, arms, hands, feet, legs, elbows, knees, etc. We even got to paint the boy’s bellies and backs.
By the end of this we were all a mess. So teacher Baby got out the hose and we all took a shower. The teachers helped us get off all the paint. Then we bundled up in our robes before going back to class to get changed.
What a day! It was so much fun.