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Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall
09/10/2009 · por Frank Ehrenfried · Tags: Programa Bilíngue

Along with American folklore stories such as Johnny Apple Seed, Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill, children’s nursery rhymes have been an integral part of our theme for the current project. Students in Infantile IV last week focused on the story of Humpty Dumpty, mixing a good old English nursery rhyme with some hands on creative fun. In an effort to integrate various learning forms into our planning, teachers have been active in combining a mixture of written activities, songs and chants, physical games along with fun art projects for our students.

This last weeks project involved both painting and drawing along with a little bit of hands on work, as students were very careful about handling the eggs we had given them for the art project. Using recycled egg cartons, Infantil IV recreated the story of Humpty Dumpty by making a model Humpty Dumpty of their own. Using eggs that had been ridden of their whites and yolk, children worked on developing their fine motor skills with the care they took in both handling the eggs and painting the egg cartons. It was a real joy to see the children so involved and excited, as they were able to bring to life a story that has been so much a part of our folklore theme. In the spirit of Humpty Dumpty coming to a crash at the end of the story, some children decided to break their eggs, acknowledging their understanding of story sequence, along with bringing a bit of humor to the classroom.

As teachers it is important to realized that learning styles differ, and that we must customize our lessons in order to bring out each child’s strong points. While some children are more audio learners, some need to handle material objects to fully grasp concepts. Combining stories with written activities and ending with a material project greatly reaches this balance, helping our children develop both their English skills along with curiosity for learning.

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