One of my personal favorites in Infantil IV is our reading of “The Rainbow Fish”. As we dive into this weeklong exploration of the shimmering fish and his loneliness, children discover the importance of sharing. This theme is one of extreme importance for the children as they are constantly testing their social interactions at home and in school.
The Rainbow Fish is a tale of a beautiful fish full of shimmering scales. One day one of his fish friends asks if he could have one of the beautiful silver scales. The shimmering fish says no, wanting to keep them all to himself. As he swims throughout the ocean, the shimmering fish notices that he has no friends to play with anymore, as word of his inability to share has spread through the ocean.
Fortunately rainbow fish seeks the advice of a wise octopus that shows him the importance of sharing. The rainbow fish regains his friendships through enjoying the beauty of the scales together with his many fish friends.
Children are able to break down these basic relationship concepts through metaphors and stories like these, helping them better develop relationships with their peers. Applying these concepts in the classroom students were asked to share the shimmering pieces of paper that we cut out for them as they put together their own rainbow fish activity. Passing out only two bottles of glue for each group of four students, children in Infantil IV were able to apply their understanding of the book right away in the classroom. As problems arose, teachers quickly referred to the lesson learned, explaining the connection between the rainbow fish’s need to share and their own. We hope to continue these types of lessons as they not only provide an avenue for developing English skills, but also demonstrate our integral role in educating these students to become well adjusted in society as a whole.