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We say NO to Drugs
09/08/2010 · por Carla Tardin Alves Bellon · Tags: Da Vinci, Línguas Estrangeiras

The following text is a student`s account on an anti-drugs project developed in our English classes.
The students involved are 15 to 17 year olds who showed a lot of commitment and enthusiasm during the classes.

     In the beginning of June, 2nd grade students started a project during English classes which had as its focus the effects of drugs on users, and the chance they miss of enjoying their lives. We began reading a text from our English book “Get It!” which gave us conditions to, at first, start a discussion mostly about teenagers who use licit or illicit drugs and why they do it. Besides that, we could also talk about how doing certain activies such as sports can keep teens busy and give them much more pleasure than drugs would, as well as make them have high self-steem, personal goals and friends.

     Just as we finished our discussions, we saw a good amount of anti-drugs campaign videos and that was when our task really started. We were grouped in pairs and for two classes, these pairs went to the computer laboratory to firstly do researches on more anti-drugs campaigns and then choose one drug (legal or illegal) to make up our own campaign, which was ready after about two classes.
     Nowadays the use of drugs among teenagers is very common, mostly licit ones and that is one of the reasons why this project has its huge value. People this age should think twice before trying drugs (usually by the influence of their friends) and really seize the day as Horace’s advice in his poem “Carpe Diem”.”

Carla Tardin Alves Bellon( 2aA)

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